Journal of Green Tourism, Wellbeing, Ecoenergy and Ecosystem Research

Editor-in-chief : Anastasia Stratigea Dipl. Eng., PhD

ISSN No : 

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Editorial Board

Article In Press

Current Issue


Journal of Green Tourism, Wellbeing, Ecoenergy and Ecosystem Research establish interactions between tourism products, improving lifestyles (health/wellbeing) and the relations to ecosystems and ecoenergy management at various geographical levels.

JTWEER is a peer-reviewed and quarterly published open access journal, which publishes original research, both conceptual and empirical, that clearly enhances the theoretical development of the tourism field. It deals with new opportunities for development of cross-disciplinary methodological approaches and promote knowledge transfer between different empirical research traditions, by bringing together different research communities experienced in the evaluation of cultural, wellbeing, economic and management dimensions. To promote the exchange of current and innovative ideas, JTWEER also includes a Research Notes and Industry Viewpoints section.

Within both contexts outputs should include advice on new tourism products designed around wellbeing and ecosystem/ecoenergy services.

JTWEER uses highly qualified Editorial board for a qualitative and prompt review process. Review processing is performed by the editorial board members of Journal of Green Tourism, Wellbeing, Ecoenergy and Ecosystem Research or relevant experts from other universities or institutes. Minimum two independent reviewer’s approval followed by editor approval is required for the acceptance of any citable manuscript.

Submit manuscript here or send as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at

Articles in Press »

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