About us

Verizona Publisher (VZP) is an emerging electronic peer-reviewed journals publishing organisation. Here at Verizona we thrive to overcome the obstacles of open access authors by publishing their content at least publication charges. VZP covers a wide range of topics in the field of medical, engineering, pharmacy, robotics, etc., and makes the recent developments in those fields available to the readers throughout the world. The readers can read, share and download the published content without any charges. The accepted articles by the editors/reviewers will be permanently archived in the database of Verizona.

Verizona Publishers bridges the gap between the scientific community & readers throughout the world. VZP offers a great opportunity to budding scholars of scientific community to make their academic work available to readers around the world.

VZP follow a strict review process where an article or a manuscript is scrutinized by review board members who have specialised in the similar field. The manuscripts published in the journals of Verizona have wide range citation than any other publishing group. The manuscript submitted to Verizona group will undergo a high quality publication process.

Chart for Publication Process

Review FlowChart